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Primary and Nursery School

Parental Involvement & Parent/Carer Consultations

The support of parents is always welcomed and the school organises regular opportunities for Parents/Carers to meet formally and informally with teachers.  Class teachers are available in the playground at the end of each day for an informal chat.  During the year, parents are given the opportunity to discuss their child's progress at termly parents' evenings and receive an end-of-year report in the Summer Term.  The Headteacher and staff are happy to meet parents informally or by appointment at other times.


Parents are encouraged to support children in reading and home learning activities, which are set throughout the school year.  Curriculum information evenings for parents are also regularly organised.  These are very useful, well-attended events, informing parents about how the school teaches areas, such as phonics, reading, mathematical calculations and how best to support children at home.  Parents are always welcome in our school and frequently volunteer to help teachers with class and group work.  At Downsview, we believe in a partnership between parents and the school.  


The FOD organises various fundraising events throughout the year, including the annual Summer Fayre and Winter Market.  All monies raised go towards funding extras for the children and improving school facilities.  

Parent Consultations


Downsview uses Magic Booking to book Parent/Carer Consultations. 


This allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers.  The Primary Parent/Carer will only be allowed to make an appointment. 


When you have booked your appointment you will receive a confirmation through the Magic Booking Portal. 


Please visit Downsview Magic Booking Portal to book your appointment. 
