“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” Albert Einstein
Intent- Why do we teach Maths?
At Downsview, we believe that a high quality education in Maths not only provides vital tools for understanding the world around us, but also helps develop broader problem solving skills. It also stimulates a curiosity that allows children to thrive in all areas of their learning.
Maths is all around us - we use maths skills and capabilities every day, from estimating and making calculated choices, telling time, handling money to following a recipe and measuring accurately. Everyone requires some level of specific mathematics knowledge! In most professions a sound understanding of maths is a key requirement and the stronger it is, the better the individual is able to perform in their role. The children of Downsview are encouraged to develop their mathematical understanding to its full potential to prepare them for their future in the world
Implementation- What do we teach?
To ensure we embed the fundamentals in Maths. All Maths lessons begin with the structured approach of ‘CLICR’, which provides the children with basic number skills appropriate for their age. These skills focus around counting, recall (learn its), making links (it’s nothing new), calculation strategies and Reasoning. Through embedding these basic number skills, children develop their mathematical competency and as a result they have greater freedom to explore more complicated mathematical concepts through problem solving and reasoning. We encourage children to learn from mistakes and develop the values of perseverance and resilience, as well as recognising the importance and advantages of working collaboratively.