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Primary and Nursery School

School Organisation

The school day is from 08.45am to 3.15pm- 32.50 hours.


Drop-off and Collection

At 08.45am, the gates open and children make their way to their class for early learning. No parents are allowed on site at drop off.   


Parents are encouraged into the playground at the end of the school day, where staff are available to meet.  Senior staff are available to meet mornings and afternoons, by appointment.  This helps to build up a close relationship between home and school, encouraging effective partnerships.  Please inform the school office if there are any changes when collecting your child. 


Late collection

It is essential that the school knows if there is any change in collection arrangements for your child.  Please ring the school office by 2.30 pm, if someone other than the person known to staff is to collect your child at the end of the day. The school office phone lines are manned between 8.30 am and 4.00 pm during term time.

At the end of the day, any children who have not been collected by 3.30 pm will be taken to the School Office area. 

A late collection charge will then be levied at £5 per 15 minutes.


If you need special access arrangements to the school please email

Morning playtimes

Key Stage 1 - 10.30am-10.45am

Key Stage 2 - 10.45am-11.00am



Children in Reception start lunch from 11.45am

Key Stage 1 - 12.00pm

Key Stage 2 - 12.15pm



The morning nursery session is from 08.45am to 11.45am and the afternoon nursery session is from 12.15pm to 3.15pm.



We have weekly values and singing assemblies. We also have various topical assemblies, which will take place altogether as a Key stage, in the hall or in class, depending on the layout of the week. 'Celebration Assemblies' take place on Fridays where we celebrate the children who have been noticed doing the right thing, even when they think no one is watching.

School Streets - Please be Aware

The Local Authority have introduced "School Streets" in Biggin Way and Marston Way, which is a restriction on vehicles driving along the road outside the main entrance or behind our school.  The restrictions are operational during term time from 08.00am to 09.30am and 2.00pm to 4.00pm.  Enforcement cameras will record any vehicle driving along Biggin Way during these times and issue a penalty notice.
