Uniform and PE Kit
Uniform develops a sense of community and belonging. We encourage children to be proud and take pride in their appearance by wearing our uniform. All children at Downsview, excluding the Nursery, are expected to wear formal school uniform.
All children, including the Nursery, are expected to wear the appropriate kit for PE on their allocated PE days. If children are registered to attend a before or after school extra-curricular Sports Club they are also permitted to attend school in their PE kit. We ask that all uniform is clearly named. Unmarked or lost items are placed in the Lost Property Cupboard. Staff and Governors ask for parents' co-operation in carrying out the school uniform policy.
The school does not accept any liability for any loss, theft of damage to property or possessions brought to school in contravention of school rules regarding such property. The school does not accept any liability or responsibility for items of clothing/uniform that are torn or otherwise damaged except where the school can be shown to be negligent in providing an environment where such items can remain undamaged other than that expected by normal wear and tear. The school is not liable to replace lost items of school uniform.
As a school community we endeavour to be inclusive and welcoming, therefore our uniform requirements are not defined by gender.
The standard dress is based on the colours burgundy and grey and comprises of the following items:
- Burgundy sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan (with or without school logo).
Grey trousers, shorts or skirt/pinafore
White shirt or white polo shirt
Hijabs, if worn, should be in plain black or burgundy
Summer dress in pink and white or red and white gingham
Black closed shoes with flat heels or dark trainers (black, navy or dark grey). No open toed sandals- they should be suitable for school wear for safety reasons.
Downsview Book bag and Satchel ONLY– no rucksacks of any kind
PE Kit
Games and PE (including swimming when appropriate) are compulsory subjects and children are required to wear the correct kit, comprising:
- Red, Blue, Yellow or Green House T-shirt
- Black shorts or plain black leggings-under tracksuit if appropriate
- Downsview Navy blue Tracksuits
- Dark coloured (black, navy or dark grey) trainers or Plimsolls *please note that gymnastics is done barefoot*
Every pupil at Downsview belongs to one of the following school houses: Red, Blue, Yellow, Green.
All children across the school are to wear their PE kit to school on days when they have PE.
There is no need to bring a change of clothes as the children can remain in their Downsview navy tracksuits all day. On days when they are not timetabled to have PE they will continue to wear full formal school uniform, as usual.
All children registered to attend a before or after school extra-curricular Sports Club are also permitted to attend school in their navy tracksuit and House t-shirt.
If your child is wearing trainers to school on a PE day, please be mindful of the weather as the children will be taking part in outdoor games and may need a change of shoes/trainers if the weather has been wet.
The nearest local supplier of uniform is:
Bubblegum Children's and School Wear
113 High Street
Thornton Heath
Telephone: 020 8683 2773
Make up and nail varnish is not permitted.
Children are not permitted to wear jewellery to school. If ears are pierced, children are only allowed small plain studs to be worn.