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Primary and Nursery School

Home Learning

Home Learning

Learning at home is an important part of our pupil, parent/carer and school tri-partnership. Therefore, our home learning is intended to; further develop our pupils' excitement and passion for their education, and enable parents to get involved with their child’s learning whilst supporting and encouraging them at home. One of the key indicators of a pupils’ success at primary school is the level to which parents and carers engage in what their child is learning.


Our Home Learning aims to:

  • Develop an understanding that learning continues beyond the school gates.
  • Provide opportunities for parents and children to work in partnership and to share and enjoy learning experiences.
  • Promote awareness that learning and understanding are deepened through rich, varied experiences.
  • Reinforce the benefits of reading regularly and that this should be part of a child’s routine.
  • Promote the understanding that basic maths and spelling skills, should be regularly practised.
  • Encourage children to
    • take responsibility for their learning
    • manage their time effectively
    • develop good study habits, self-motivation & independence
    • persevere - staying with a task until it's complete


Expectations: for pupils in Years 1 - 6

Daily:            Reading (children record the books they’ve read on their Reading Log), Learn Its, Spellings

Weekly:         Mathletics, CGP Phonics or Comprehension

Half Termly:   Children complete as many of the Tasks and Challenges from the grid as they can, this will be                                       collected the first week after the holiday and awards given.


This will look slightly different in Year 1 at the beginning of term as they begin their transition into more formal learning.

Home Learning Policy
