Pupil Leader & Pupil Voice
Our Pupil Leaders- Pupil Voice at Downsview
"A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others." Douglas MacArthur
Heads of the Junior Governors
The Y6 children leading the Junior Governors, are respectful, driven, resilient, trustworthy, good communicators and committed to pupil voice. These roles are very prestigious and hold a large amount of responsibility.
What OFSTED said:
'Pupils’ voice and their active involvement in school life are strong. Through the ‘junior governors’, pupils are listened to, heard and their opinions are valued. The Eco-committee champions the school’s impressive approach to sustainability, which is weaved through the curriculum and provides opportunities such as taking part in a climate change project. Pupils can explain not only the role they have in the school but the difference it is making to their school experience. Pupils are very proud of the roles they have and take their responsibilities for them very seriously.'

Junior Governors
One child from each class, from years 2 to 5, are elected by their classmates each year to represent their class at Junior Governor meetings. They meet over the course of each term, where the Headies go through an agenda, discussing different ways they can improve the school even further and representing the views of all pupils. Junior Governors will be involved in running assemblies, working together to raise money for the school and charities. They will also meet and work with our Board of Governors.
Playground Leaders
We have over 20 pupils from years 5 and 6 with Playground Leader responsibilities. They are out in the playgrounds every lunchtime carrying out their duties. Their main responsibilities are to help the lunchtime supervisors to set out and clear away the playground equipment; to help children have fun at lunchtime play and to help those children who may be finding lunchtime play a little difficult.
Dinner Detectives
Dinner Detectives help and encourage children to make healthy choices at lunchtimes. They award stickers to children with healthy packed lunches and those who have chosen healthy options from the school lunch menu. They also help the lunchtime supervisors to get each class ready as their turn for lunch approaches.
Eco- Committee
The Eco-committee is a group of children who help our school to be eco-friendlier. They present "Eco" assemblies every term; they hold competitions to promote ways to "save the environment" and they collect all the recyclables from each class. They have helped our school achieve the silver eco award and are working towards the final green award.
Pupil Voice
The term 'pupil voice' refers to ways of listening to the views of pupils and/or involving them in decision-making. Pupil voice enables students to be a part of the solution. They gain a sense of belonging with their increased attachment and positive relationships with peers, teachers, school and the broader community. In order to ensure we are meeting the needs of our pupils, we carry out pupil questionnaires with all the children at various times of the year. We value their feedback and encourage our pupils to be open and honest when completing their questionnaires.