Downsview Primary and Nursery School has a range of policies in place, which help to determine the ways in which the school deals with various issues. Their purpose is to try and ensure that everything is done fairly and that school life runs as smoothly and predictably as possible for everyone involved in the school, especially our children.
The Governing Board is responsible for ensuring that the school has the appropriate policies in place and that the school works within them. Some policies are required by law (e.g. our Safeguarding Policy); others are there to help us all to manage expectations in particular situations.
When writing and agreeing policies, the School and Governing Board carefully consider and analyse the impact of the policy on equality and the possible implications for pupils and/or staff with protected characteristics, as part our commitment to meet the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) requirement to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations.
Hardcopies of information displayed are available upon request, free of charge, as an eco-friendly school we would prefer to email documents where an email address is provided.