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Primary and Nursery School

Downsview School received a ‘Section 8’ short inspection from OfSTED. The purpose of a short inspection is to determine whether the school continues to provide a good or better standard of education and whether safeguarding is effective. In March 2015, the school was judged as ‘Good’.

As you can see from the attached letter from the Lead Inspector, the OfSTED team said that the leadership team has maintained a good quality of education since the previous inspection and therefore remains a "Good" school. 

During their visit they followed four lines of enquiry, which were:

  • Safeguarding - "The leadership team has ensured that all safeguarding arrangements are fit for purpose.  Leaders and Governors have implemented effective systems and policies to safeguard pupils."
  • EYFS - this line of enquiry focussed on leaders' actions to develop the provision in the Early Years setting to improve boys' progress. "The leadership of the early years is strong and newer members of staff are well supported.  Boys are now making stronger progress."
  • Writing - Ofsted explored leaders' strategies to raise pupils' progress in writing in Key stage 2.  "Pupils and staff demonstrated high levels of engagement and enjoyment with the school's new approach.  Pupils' work confirmed that progress was being made in writing across a number of subjects." 
  • Broad and balanced curriculum - Ofsted explored how leaders are developing pupils' breadth of knowledge across all subjects. "Specialist teachers are providing quality learning experiences that engage the pupils.  Work in pupils' books showed the breadth of subjects being studied."

