Year 3
Welcome and Meet the Team
Mr Tierney, Ms Higgins, Mr McKenzie, Mrs Gray HOY, Mr Francis, Ms Abbas, Ms Dickens and Ms Welsh
Our expectations for home learning
For Home-Learning, we want to encourage Year 3 children to be creative and to ensure that they explore the world around them through a range of interactive and innovative ways.
At the start of each half term, a home learning gird with 8 tasks will be pasted in the children’s home learning books. Tasks 1-4 are compulsory and should be completed weekly, tasks 5-8 are optional. However, these optional tasks are really fun and engaging activities that will allow your child to explore topics with more creativity, so they are highly recommended! This may also open up a dialogue with yourselves and your child about the topics they are covering in school.
If you have completed a task, please evidence this in your Home Learning book. Also, if you've done something really special on the computer or have made a video you can send this to us via Class Dojo!
Fostering a love of reading is so important, we can not stress that enough! If a child is excited to read, it will not feel like a "chore". The majority of children in Year 3 are able to decode the letters on the page to form words and read for understanding. However, regular (preferably daily) reading is so important to a child's continued development. Reading to an adult every day for at least 20 minutes is recommended. We also encourage sharing a book with your child, we find that even the most seemingly grown up children still enjoy listening to a story!
Mathletics and Spelling shed activities are also given out weekly, for your child to engage in online learning indendently.
The Year 3 team cannot wait to see what creative and wonderful things you come up with!
Home learning web links
Important documents