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Primary and Nursery School

If your child is unable to come to school for any reason, please email- Make sure you state the reason and provide any evidence you may have.

We encourage all our pupils to aim for 100% attendance and to be punctual every day. Attendance and punctuality are celebrated weekly across the school through a variety of initiatives. At the end of each term, pupils with 100% attendance and punctuality receive a certificate and an attendance pencil, with prizes awarded to those who maintain this throughout the year.


We work closely with the Education Welfare Service (EWS) and other support agencies, as appropriate, to promote regular attendance. Attendance is carefully monitored at both an individual and whole-school level. We analyse patterns and trends of non-attendance to inform our action planning and set targets to improve whole-school attendance.


If your child’s attendance drops below 96%, this will trigger a first letter of concern. Our School Attendance Officer will contact you and arrange a meeting to discuss any issues and offer support. If attendance does not improve, a second letter will follow, and the matter may be referred to the Education Welfare Officer.


The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Amendment Regulations 2013 state that headteachers may only grant leave of absence during term time in exceptional circumstances. It is at the headteacher’s discretion to determine what qualifies as exceptional, with each case considered individually.


If your child is absent, please inform the school office on the first day of absence by email at, clearly stating the reason for your child’s absence. If we do not hear from you, the school will contact you via text or phone to make enquiries.


Why is punctuality important?

Being on time shows a child is ready and willing to learn, helps them develop good habits, and fosters a sense of responsibility. Lateness disrupts lessons and may cause your child to miss vital instructions or work.


Did you know?

Being just 15 minutes late each day for a year is equivalent to missing two full weeks of school.

Let’s work together to ensure all our pupils get the most out of their education by attending school regularly and on time.

Attendance Matters

Leave of Absence - Request Form

Regular attendance at school is vital for your child’s success. We strongly urge parents and carers to avoid taking family holidays during term time. Please note that it is now unlawful to take children out of school during term time without the Head Teacher's written authorisation.

For more information about the recent changes to our Attendance Policy, including updated penalty fine amounts, please click the link below.

Team EWS Ltd


Our Education Welfare Officer, Jessica Hendle, works closely with the school to provide support and advice to both parents/carers and the school.  Ms Hendle comes to Downsview for one day, every fortnight, on a Monday and is available to speak to parents/carers who wish to discuss their child's attendance.  We have listed below the dates when our EWO will be available in school, please email if you wish to make an appointment.


Autumn Term 2024

Wednesday 4th September - Friday 20th December 2024

11th September, 25th September, 9th October, 23rd October, 11th November, 25th November, 9th December


Spring Term 2025

6th January - 4th April 2025

6th January, 20th January, 3rd February, 24th February, 10th March, 24th March


Summer Term 2025

2nd April - 21st July 2025

28th April, 12th May, 2nd June, 16th June, 30th June, 14th July

