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Primary and Nursery School

Our Vision for PE:


At Downsview Primary and Nursery School we are fully committed to ensuring that our children are fit, healthy and active learners. We aspire to be a school that offers every child the opportunity to fulfil their absolute potential and we realise the vital role that sports and outdoor learning needs to play in realising those goals. We want our children to make healthy choices, to enjoy physical activity and to appreciate its benefits, whilst embodying our core values of collaboration and fair play.


The Sports Premium money that we are going to receive will be spent in a number of ways with the ultimate intention of providing high quality sustainable PE provision for all. The impact will be measured through participation and achievement in sport, but also through pupil’s engagement in every other area of the curriculum: through improved self-esteem, health and well-being. The PE team have the responsibility for developing PE, School Sport and Physical activity within the school and deciding the effective use of Sport Premium funding.


Downsview Primary and Nursery School have an excellent reputation for delivering outstanding sport provision in school, attending numerous competitions and providing opportunities for all to take part in physical activity throughout the academic year.  For four consecutive years, Downsview Primary and Nursery School has achieved School Games Gold Award which acknowledges the school’s commitment to promoting healthy and active lifestyles and competitive sport.

The Government is providing funding of £150 million to schools, specifically to improve the Physical Education (PE) and Sports programmes, offered by primary schools.  The sport funding, can only be spent on sport and PE provision: with an aim to improve standards and provide children with further opportunities for sport, throughout the primary phase. 


Downsview Primary and Nursery School has been developing its specialist PE and sports provision over a number of years, and the sports premium funding has allowed us to accelerate the improvements and implement our strategy.


At Downsview we received:

£20,890 for the academic year 2024/2024 (estimated)

£20,910 for the academic year 2023/2024

£20,936 for the academic year 2022/2023

£21,083 for the academic year 2021/2022


Please see the link below, which shows how we are spending this grant:

Key achievements to date:

  • Platinum Award in association with School Games
  • Creating an active school ethos throughout the school and across the curriculum
  • Engaging in numerous inter and intra-competitions
  • High levels of participation in extra-curricular active clubs
  • Links with local sports clubs
  • Links with local schools to engage children as playground leaders
  • Forest School Forest School continues to encourage children to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence through respectful interactions with others and the natural environment
  • Forest School expanded to take small groups in EYFS


Areas for further improvement and baseline evidence of need:


  • Continue to increase the range of sporting opportunities across the school.
  • Increase the profile of sports leaders in school.
  • Continue to enable children to have opportunities to plan, organise and manage sporting events
  • Areas to focus on next year are swimming for children who cannot swim 25 meters. Provide ‘top-up’ Swimming lessons for children not meeting the minimum requirement during their curriculum Swimming block.
  • Forest School is a long-term process of regular sessions, rather than one-off or infrequent visits; the cycle of planning, observation, adaptation and review links each session.